Mark is the eye-witness reporter who recorded the story of Peter following Jesus through three-plus years of incredible ministry!
Jesus is seen transparently in the Gospel by Mark. In the pages of this book, we are treated to Jesus weary, Jesus grieved, and Jesus sorrowing; in other words, we are repeatedly brought face to face with Jesus’s human emotions. And we are witnesses to the astonishment of the multitudes.
Jesus is seen constantly in action in the Gospel by Mark. Mark’s use of the historical present tense at least 150 times in this book shows Jesus always in action. It is: Jesus comes, Jesus says, and Jesus heals—all of these are in the present tense.
Jesus is seen constantly using divine power in the Gospel by Mark. If you look closely you will find more miracles recorded in Mark than in the other Gospels, despite being far shorter. The style Mark uses in a vivid “Eyewitness News Reporter Format”. Mark moves along with a dazzling and fast-moving story of Jesus, the Powerful Servant.
In fact, Mark uses the Greek word for “immediately” some forty-two times, while Matthew only has seven occurrences and Luke just one.
Mark uses the conjunction “and” in a persistent manner. He starts 12 of his 16 chapters with "and" which only adds to the rush of action.
Mark chronicles Christ’s life as what we would call super busy. Jesus is recorded as even having trouble finding time to eat in 3:20 and 6:31.
Mark records Christ using His power as He is showing His authority. You can trace the first two chapters of this Gospel around those demonstrations of Christ’s Authority. We have already seen the first 8 in Mark. Do you remember them?
If you have been following along with us these past weeks in our study of the life of Christ, you remember the focus is on Christ’s authority as God’s servant. (And this morning as Christ’s servants, let’s acknowledge His authority.)
In ch. 1, we see the 1st six declarations of Christ’s authority –
1. v. 9-11 = Christ’s authority came from God
2. v. 12-13 = Christ’s authority was over Satan
3. v. 14-15 = Christ’s authority to proclaim God’s gospel
4. v. 21-26 = Christ’s authority even over the spirit world and demons
5. v. 29-31 = Christ authority over disease and sickness
6. v. 40-42 = Christ’s authority over defilement and decay
Then in chapter two –
7. v. 1-17 = Christ’s authority over sin
– HE FORGAVE. "He can save, cleanse, keep and He will! God can do anything but fail."
8. v. 18-28 = Christ’s authority over tradition
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