Because it is the apostle Peter recounting the most incredible story ever told! If you let him, Mark will let you see, feel, and experience what it was like to walk around Israel, watching God in a body right here on earth. This gospel is Peter’s dramatic, vivid, full-of-color, action-packed video that takes us on an eyewitness journey with none other than the Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ.
How do we know this is Peter’s Gospel? From Church History, we find Mark’s very earliest statement about the Gospel. This reference was written by Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, about A.D. 140. Here is what he said:
Mark became Peter’s interpreter and wrote accurately all that he remembered, not, indeed, in order, of the things said or done by the Lord. For he had not heard the Lord, nor had he followed him, but later on, as I said, he followed Peter, who used to give teaching as necessity demanded but not making, as it were, an arrangement of the Lord’s oracles, so single points as he remembered them. He gave attention to one thing: to leave out nothing of what he had heard and to make no false statements in them.
In a gospel written from Peter’s words to the fast-paced Roman Empire, Jesus is constantly in action! Mark, perhaps the first gospel account written, opens with: The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God." God Himself ratifies the declaration in 1:11: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."
The Gospels record Christ’s ministry to the four groups of people then and now in the world.
1. The Jews who loved the Scriptures and the prophecies of God would only listen to one of their own. So MATTHEW speaks to the profoundly religious Jews AND THE DEEPLY RELIGIOUS OF OUR DAY.
2. MARK spoke to the Romans. These were the leaders, and leadership and action impressed them. They knew nothing of the Scriptures but everything of power. So to this group comes the action-packed Gospel of the powerful ministry of Christ. Mark uses the word “and” 1,375 times to tie together the endless actions of Christ. LIKE OUR MODERN SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN AND WOMAN, THEY WANT A GOD WHO CAN POWERFULLY MEET THEIR DEEPEST NEEDS.
3. LUKE was a Greek who spoke to the Greeks. The Greeks loved culture, beauty, and ideas. Happiness could be found in the pursuit of truth. Luke fills his book with insights, interviews, songs, and details that fascinate the inquiring mind. SO TODA,Y THE TRUTH SEEKERS FIND JESUS IN LUKE!
4. JOHN wrote to everyone because everyone needs to meet God, and only Jesus can reveal Him. In this book, we meet a mighty God in human flesh who controls and rules the Universe He created. SO THE BEST KNOWN VERSE IS THE BEST OF ALL OFFER THAT GOD LOVES ALL AND OFFERS ALL — HIS SON AS THEIR ONLY HOPE!
Mark uses a simple three-part outline:
1. The Birth and Preparation of Servant Jesus 1:1 – 13;
2. Servant Jesus Speaks and Serves 1:14 – 13:37;
3. Servant Jesus Suffers and Triumphs in Passion Week 14:1 – 16:20.
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