  • 1.2
    Join Over 1.2M Monthly Visitors
  • 96
    U.S. Traffic
  • 94
    Age of readers over 35


Expand your site’s reach and enhance search engine indexing with our content. Need an extra traffic boost? Explore our options below. Whatfinger News drives thousands of visitors daily, with direct links that surge your site’s traffic. We also offer targeted link placements to optimize your SEO.


Whatfinger News: Your Trusted Content Partner

As a leading news aggregator, by having our widget on your pages as part of our Premium Content deals to save you money. This also gives you the opportunity to try our traffic deals in addition to what the search engines send you. The widget is installed just like ad. We can do it when you sign up or you can, and it is easily removed just like an ad. Also our widget loads AFTER your pages, so it will never interfere with the loading of your pages. You can see what one version of the widget looks like live on the right side at or see both versions below


How Does It Work?

Sign Up on Fiverr or below. We’ll handle the widget installation during the Fiverr Gig. Enjoy daily automatic content updates, easily importable with a click. Watch your site grow, attract more visitors, and boost your revenue effortlessly.

What's the most cost effective program?

Exclusive Offer: Get our premium content for just $75/month (regularly $125 without our widget). It’s like we’re paying you to enhance your site!

What are the Features & Benefits

Comprehensive Content Library: Diverse news and articles at your fingertips. Easy Integration: Hassle-free WordPress setup. Daily Updates: Keep your audience engaged with fresh content. Affordable Pricing: Superior content and traffic services at unbeatable rates. Partner with Whatfinger News, a top news site, and enjoy personalized support and collaboration.

"Can you customize YouTube and Twitter clips for my site?"

Absolutely! Just email us your preferences, and we’ll tailor the content to your needs within a few days. Partner with us for a customized content experience.

"Do I need to credit Whatfinger News for original content?"

Yes, crediting authors and Whatfinger News ensures your site avoids penalties for duplicate content, maintaining your SEO integrity.

What is this Whatfinger Widget you or I are installing?

We give a discount to all sites that place our widget either on the right side of pages or under the content. On the right, the widget has 4 links to our site with photos - of videos. If placed on the bottom of pages, it has 6 smaller links. Widget can have topics such as Top News, World History, Entertainment or Business and Money. It is up to you. We will expand this as we add clients for our content services.

Can I remove the widget from pages? How is it done?

Yes... the widget is placed using simple code just like a Google ad or other ads. You control your site and can remove it at will. If you do though, we will not allow you to participate in programs other than the Bronze at $125 a month. The discounted Starter as well as Taste of Traffic are for those sites that we consider our partners. For Starter folks, you can post links to our community pages, and when our editors see our widget, here and there at no charge we may link to your site.

Why would I work with Whatfinger for Content as opposed to the larger companies (Reuters, AP etc)?

We don't charge thousands of dollars per month, and those services do not send traffic to your site, outside of the normal traffic you will get from search engines. You can get both from us and have a relationship with a top news aggregate that helps sites all over the U.S.

Content Services

Content Services: Quickly elevate your site with hundreds of new daily content pages, effortlessly added with a click.

Starter Plan

$75.00 / mo

  • Starter Plan: $75.00/month - 30+ Daily Original News Stories, Hundreds of YouTube & Twitter Clips
  • E-mail us if you want other sources on YouTube and Twitter
  • Don't forget Rumble Videos. One section has them daily - the Top Vids. Same thing, find accounts you like, and we can add them

Bronze Plan

$125.00 / mo

  • Bronze Plan: $125.00/month - All Starter Plan Features without Widget Requirement

Taste Of Traffic

$450.00 / mo

  • Taste Of Traffic: $450.00/month - Customized Traffic Boosts and Targeted Link Placements. Plus everything in Starter
  • Placements will be on key subdomains to help with the search engine listings
  • We'll also direct link to content/links and you can suggest links to us each week. For this program expect at least 3 links a week, and thousands of visitors per week.

Silver Plan

$1950.00 / mo

  • This service is only available to sites that have been with us a full month using our Content services AND also tried the taste of traffic service to see how well traffic from Whatfinger works with your website.
  • We will heavily link to your site daily. Most sites we do this with will get thousands of visitors a day... but this DOES NOT APPLY if you have a Sports site as this topic has the smallest interest on Whatfinger. DO NOT ask for this service if you have a Sports site
  • Special Situations: You can come to us 2 times a month with special items you need help promoting. You only need to use the email address we provide you after signing up

Special Situations & Requests

We'll Talk /

  • Once you are a Content client, you can email us and arrange a call to discuss the many options and opportunities of your relationship with Whatfinger News. We've helped many organizations in many fields and will never tell others of our arrangements. There are always possibilites...