In chapter 9, the apostle John introduces us to the dreadful realm of the fallen spirits and their abode: the abyss.
At this point, the fifth angel sounds the fifth trumpet, a preview of hell—endless darkness.
This bottomless pit is the holding tank of punishment for the fallen angels, demons, the beast, the false prophet, and Satan (Revelation 9:1-2, 11; 11:7; 20:1-3). These spirit beings of the highest magnitude of evil are left over from Satan’s rebellion.
Jude tells us that some of these evil spirit beings tried to corrupt the human race so that the promised Seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, could never come. Others seem to be key leaders of Satan’s forces, while still others have been so vile that they have been held back until Revelation 9.
Like Satan, these demonic spirit beings are filled with a hatred for God and mankind.
Lost humanity believes in evolution and denies Biblical creationism, so the Creator shows them His power. Earth-dwellers worship Mother Earth, so God first allows natural disasters to amplify (6-8).
Lost humanity is fascinated with demons, so God opens the pit and lets humanity taste the searing torments of Satan’s demons (9).
Lost humanity seeks to rule themselves and reject God’s Messiah, so God sends the Fake Jesus, the Beast, as the worst human who ever lives to lead humanity to destruction by becoming their god (10-13).
Jesus Gives the Specific Trends of the End of the World in Matthew 24:8, 33-34, expanded into Revelation 6-19.
WOLFL-2024-13 – The Real Alien Invasion (240423PM) –
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