That comes from Genesis 4-8, which records The Lost World, a mysterious part of human history involving up to 7 billion people who lived before the Flood. What was the Antediluvian World like? Why did God destroy it? Who lived and served God at that time? And what can we learn from the world that perished? All this and so much more lies ahead in Genesis 4-5.
WHY STUDY THE LOST WORLD? First, it was sliding toward the flood of water, just like our world is sliding toward the flood of fire! If we could summarize Genesis 4-5, it would sound very much like the way this author puts it:
Not long after God created Adam and Eve and put them in His beautiful garden, where their needs were met, they decided to do the one thing He had told them not to do. They ate from the tree of knowledge and fell, and the rest of creation fell with them. The whole earth was cursed. Our first parents lost their fellowship with God and were exiled from Eden. Very soon after that, the first murder was committed, when Cain killed his brother Abel.
Corruption, violence, polygamy, incest, lying, stealing, adultery, idolatry, and every other sin became common and increasingly worse. Mankind, in fact, became so terribly debauched that God destroyed all people except for the eight in Noahâs family. Manâs nature was still sinful, however, and in the generations after the Flood, he continued to ignore God and sinned in every conceivable way. God had tried to reach people-including through Noah, who preached while he was building the ark-but they would not listen or change. Sin reached a climax when, with Babel’s tower, men tried to take heaven by storm. God thwarted their scheme by causing them to speak. different languages and by scattering them across the world.
Yet God did not give up on mankind. In His eternal plan, those whom He had created in His own image would worship and serve Him. To do so, they had to be redeemed. God could recover man only by drastic means. It was as if a great river had been blocked by a landslide. God had to cut a new channel. He chose certain people to be the channel to bring the river of life to the world again. The father of those people was Abraham. From his descendants was to come the nation of Israel, Godâs earthly, historical channel of revelation and redemption. The Old and New Covenants, the law, the prophecies, the priestly sacrifices- all came through Israel. The Messiah Himself was a Jew, the truest Jew of all. Godâs plan of redemption was to be carried out through these specially chosen people. âSalvation is from the Jewsâ (John 4:22). All Jews are from Abraham.
God picked Abraham. God predetermined the life of Abraham. God set His love upon Abraham to be the one through whom the channel would be cut. It was a matter of divine choice. Abraham was honored by God because of his faith, and he was saved because of his faith, but he was not chosen because of his faith. Abraham was not chosen because of any merit, quality, or virtue. He was chosen purely out of the sovereign will of God. âThe Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the Lord loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathersâ (Deut. 7:7-8)
(GEN-13; 991226AM)
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