Twelve men changed the world. Eleven of them ate, slept, sailed, and walked with Jesus. The 12th man was a latecomer and spent three years alone in the desert with Jesus. Who were these men?
The Apostles, the sent ones, are entrusted with the Gospel of God’s Grace. Peter and the eleven and then Paul the 12th and Final Apostle. Together, they appear on a divine videotape on Evangelism. Together, they demonstrate in public what they have been trained, taught, and commanded by Jesus.
Jesus saved them to share the Gospel, the Good News of Salvation. There are few things more exciting than actually learning from Him our Master, His message, and the way He called men and women, boys and girls, to Salvation. That is what those Fishers of Divine Souls were taught.
As we continue this study tonight, get ready with your pen, paper, and notebook. Mark God’s Word so that again and again, you can revisit these pages and see the Message of Jesus. Remember that Galilee in the time of Jesus comprised no less than 3.6 million people living in 240 towns and villages of about 15,000 each.
So, in a heavily populated area, Jesus went out preaching a message to all who would hear. With Him went twelve tape recorders that captured His words, His passion, and His method. Then, He left and asked them to keep up the work of the Gospel. They did so, fanning out the furthest corners of the Roman Empire. They blazed the Gospel across millions of people from India to Britain, Russia to Africa. They took Christ’s call seriously.
Now, as we turn to Acts, we are turning on a video lasting 30 years. What did I say? Acts is not so much a book on doctrine as it is a divinely recorded and edited video of 30 years of sharing the greatest message ever given by the greatest witnesses ever chosen.
You see, the Holy Spirit empowered the Apostles to go and take the Gospel to the World. So Acts is a video report of how the Apostles and disciples shared the Gospel message in every possible setting. We get to see how the eyewitnesses shared with the world what happened in the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. As we go through all 28 chapters, we find that there are 22 recorded events where a Gospel Message is presented.
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