Can you remember with me the passing of CT Studd?
A former lean and fit athlete, now gaunt and emaciated. All his formerly gleaning white teeth now brown or long gone. Stooped, halting with each step he is surrounded by thousands of glistening black bodies. They have come to hear their beloved Bwana for the last time. He speaks after over two hours of singing. There in front of him sit 5,000 former headhunters. Now their oiled bodies, clothed in banana leaves sit in an immense sea of white-toothed smiles. With faces turned heavenward they sing of the sweet by and by and that beautiful shore they will someday see.
Passed now are the years of darkness and savagery. The former enemies sit shoulder to shoulder. No weapons of war are left, only the bond of love. This would be the last sight of his dear saintly convert Studd would see. After his message uttered between gasps for air, with every ear strained to catch each word, he is carried back to his hut. Exhausted, he rests, though only his Savior knew it was his last. In the night the Faithful Shepherd who had led him to China, then India and finally to the very heart of Africa – took CT home. In the morning only the shriveled earthly tent was left. But around that hut and to the furthest reaches of the jungles and on mission stations around the world, the footprints of this giant can be found today.
CT Studd responded to the message of Jesus, gave everything to Christ. And in return, he lost nothing. SARDANAPALUS kept everything to the end, rejected the message God had sent his city, and dies as it was destroyed. Jim Elliot summed it up the best, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” This morning let’s find what we can give up that will last forever!
What is this life-changing message? Stand with me before God and listen, follow along with me because, the message of Jesus is where we pick up this evening in Mark 1:14-15.
In our passage this evening we will only cover two verses in Mark’s Gospel, but these verses span over 8 months of Christ’s life and ministry. Mark has an agenda as the Spirit led him. The purpose? To show the message of Jesus. What is that message? Let me first sketch where we are going:
So, what is Jesus’ message? It is what He said and what He did. In these 8 events over 8 months, here is His message. Each of these events teaches us wonderful lessons:
1. Lamb of God? Jesus is all we need to get to Heaven.
2. Water to wine? Jesus enjoyed life’s pleasures.
3. Cleansing the Temple? Jesus wants undistracted worship.
4. Nicodemus? Jesus meets us where we are, and meets us there.
5. John the Baptist imprisoned? Jesus gives us hope to the end that to die is gain!
6. Woman at Well? Jesus loves us no matter what we have done, He knows it all and still loves us.
7. Galilean Sermon? Jesus says salvation is so simple, that it is impossible.
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