Welcome to the Final Epistles Course.
Here is class 2 of the three classes we taught to our European students, summarizing what God expects from us in light of His plan for the future.
God Almighty rules over the entire Universe and accomplishes His plan despite all demonic and human opposition. Since Revelation was written, all Bible teachers and scholars have seen three levels of meaning in this book. Some say it is past history; others say it is continuous inspiration, but after a lifetime of studying this book, I agree with those who teach it that it is Christ’s Map of the Future.
(Rev. 4-5) God shows us what Heaven is like right now, as well as during the Tribulation Wrath of God; and where we fit in that awesome, majestic scene of God Almighty’s power and the joyful worship of His redeemed saints—God shows that He controls, limits, and directs all things.
(Rev. 6-22) God shows how everything is going to end. Jesus describes us the final political landscape of humanity, the final battle humans wage against each other and God; the end of the Global Ruler named Antichrist, the literal rule of the Son of David, Jesus Christ here on Earth for 1,000 years; the beauty and radiance of the new Heaven, the new earth, and the eternal capital city of Jerusalem; and the final destiny of each unrighteous rebel angel and human in Hell, and of every redeemed and righteous human dwelling in God our Father’s house—God shows that He controls, limits, and directs all things.
Revelation follows the earlier Divinely planned confrontation of Moses vs. Egypt’s false gods. This time, in Revelation, God again directs His wrath against each idol of rebellious humanity, as He cares for His own.
• Saints love and serve God as we struggle through life, so God shows us Jesus comes to us anywhere we are (1), Jesus walks among us in His Church (2-3), and Jesus brings us each safely to stand around His Throne when we finish the plan He made for our lives (4-5).
• Lost humanity believes in evolution and denies Biblical creationism, so the Creator shows them His power. Earth-dwellers worship Mother Earth, so God first allows natural disasters to amplify (6-8), and then begins to send final Divine environmental destructions (16). God the Son, the Creator, systematically destroys the atmosphere, oceans, and land—with earthquakes, smoke, fire, red tides, global warming, volcanoes, tsunamis, asteroids, comets, and meteors.
• Lost humanity is fascinated with demons, so God opens the pit and lets humanity taste the searing torments of Satan’s demons (9).
• Lost humanity seeks to rule themselves and reject God’s Messiah, so God sends the Fake Jesus, the Beast, as the worst human who lives to lead humanity to destruction by becoming their god (13).
• Lost humanity wants a false religion of human achievement, so God destroys all religions (17).
• Lost humanity wants comforts, entertainment and possessions more than God, this is the idolatry of covetousness, so God destroys all their possessions and pleasures in one moment (18).
• Lost humanity rejected their Creator and Redeemer, so Christ Returns as Judge to cast all rebels into the Lake of Fire (19-20).
• Saints believe in God so they please Him; and He invites us all to dwell in His satisfying and sustaining Presence forever (21-22).
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