In Matthew 24, we see the Tribulation from Christ’s perspective.
What will the end of days be like? Jesus tells us–
Matthew 24:22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, those days will be shortened.
The devastation of the earthquake and tsunami in December 2004 gave us a tiny insight into what the world would be like at the end of the age.
Once again, the eyes of the world have been drawn to one event—one so big that it has touched us as a planet with a glimpse of the end of the world.
Even secular writers and news reporters have used words such as “apocalyptic” and of ‘biblical proportions” as they tried to describe the devastation and death they were witnessing. Some have even begun to talk about what if there was a catastrophe so big, so deadly that it could wipe out life on our planet–an asteroid, a comet, a complete climactic shift away from a life-sustaining world. In other words, people briefly think about and talk about the End of the World.
The world ended for at least one hundred and fifty thousand people the Sunday after Christmas. We should think about that event before it gets crowded out of our minds by the next event.
The only difference between South East Asia’s disaster and the description God gives is—the Tribulation will have at least 20,000 times as many deaths.
Don’t miss these numbers—they are staggering to our human minds.
• The world has over six billion people alive today.
• God’s Word says that more than half of the population of planet Earth will perish in the Great Tribulation. Most scholars believe this occurs in the second half, lasting 3 ½ years.
• So, three-plus billion people perish in 42 months or 3 ½ years.
• Would that be equivalent to an event as big and deadly as this recent tsunami daily for three and a half years? Not even an event like the tsunami each day would be big enough to equal the death toll of the Tribulation. For 150,000 to die a day for 42 months only equals 189 million deaths.
• If half the world’s population were to die by quake and tsunami in 42 months—there would need to be one each hour, 16 hours per day, for three and one-half years.
• That will be more bodies to bury than we can even imagine. That is what Jesus warns about when the end of the world comes. So that naturally makes us ask–is it possible to know when the world will end? Yes.
The best-selling, widest-distributed book of all time is the key.
God has spoken.
His words are recorded.
His Book, the Bible, is the only book–of any religion of any people on Earth that has prophecy.
This book is unique in that God has mapped out specific events in the future. Only the Living and True God of Heaven and Earth has dared to say, “Let me tell you the future”. In fact, He said that was the way you could know that He was real, and that you and I could place our faith and trust in Him.
This morning, may I introduce you to the God who can be trusted. The God who has proven that He alone is God?
Why do Bible-believing saints LOVE prophecy? Open with me to Isaiah 41.23 and see what the Lord has said.
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