As we open our Bibles to Titus 2, God has declared that we have been forever set free. Starting in Titus 2:11, we look at the third and final word God chose to describe the wonders of redemption.
As we’ve seen, redemption is what God wants to motivate us to live a life that glorifies God because we were bought at a price.
Redemption also fills our hearts and pours forth around the Throne in our worship songs in Heaven.
But as we open to Titus 2, we see that redemption was not only that we were bought “at” the slave market of sin, & bought “out of” the slave market of sin; it is also shown by:
Word # 3: We are Forever
Freed From Slavery to Sin
Please stand with me, and as we read these words, listen to God declare the great truth of our salvation: we are redeemed from every lawless deed in Titus 2:11-14 (NKJV):
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.
When Paul sat to write to the missionary church-planting pastor named Titus, he was just applying previously taught doctrines. Paul wanted Titus to teach on Crete in his pioneering, church-planting missionary work, what God had already deeply explained by Paul in his Epistle written to the Romans.
For almost six years, the deep truths of the doctrine of redemption explained in Romans had been circulating through the house churches of the Roman Empire.
Think for a moment about the scope of that powerful Gospel message. What had started in Judea, as Jesus Christ taught God’s truths that liberated people one by one from the shackles of sin, had just continued.
Those who had sat in darkness all their lives saw the light of salvation dawn upon their sin-darkened minds. Israel, from north to south, had been shaken by the itinerant ministry of Christ.
Then, after His resurrection, Jesus sent forth His disciples to take this message to Jerusalem first, then to Judea, and then to Samaria. The Apostles faithfully preached, and God powerfully worked.
Multitudes of Jews were saved, and then multitudes of Samaritans were converted, and finally, countless Gentiles were also being born again. Each person had been taught that:
The Gospel Unleashed Them from Sin’s Chains
(TRU-15; 120610AM)
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