Daily Cleansing: The Abundant Life vs. The Tormented Life
Matthew 6:12
As we open to Matthew 6, we have come to the fifth petition of the Lord’s Prayer in v. 12. This petition is all about the constant need we have for cleansing. This next area we are to maintain in our spiritual lives is all part of:
Simply stated, the Lord’s Prayer is a pattern for us, a checklist for our daily spiritual health.
Living a spiritually healthy life, that is useful to God each day is built around these key elements:
1. Daily Worship of Almighty God: Our Father
2. Daily Consecration of My Body: Your Kingdom Come
3. Daily Submission to God’s Will: Your will be done
4. Daily Reliance on God’s Provision: Give us this day
5. Daily Cleansing of My Relationships: Forgive us as we forgive
6. Daily Protection of My Mind: Deliver us from evil
7. Daily Seeking to God’s Glory: Yours is the glory
As we read the Lord’s prayer in the wider context of what Christ says we will see the strong emphasis on our need for forgiveness.
One moment before our last breath on earth, more than anything else we will want to know that we are forgiven. Jesus explains that God that father forgives sins, but attaches to our enjoyment of that blessing, a great responsibility. The forgiven must be forgiving, or else.
Christ’s words are very sobering. The forgiveness of my sins was so precious that it must spill over into our hearts such gratitude that anyone else’s sins against me can even come close to how great my sin was against God.
I was forgiven so much, that all other’s sins in my sight are minuscule compared to my sins in God’s sight. That is why we must remind ourselves of how:
“Our Father…” means I need You to Focus Me:
Because we are so weak, fearful, and distracted, we need to pause each day and reorient my life to Who God really is.
We need God to focus our hearts upon His Majesty.
Lord, I want to Worship You, so focus me upon how great You are today.
“Your Kingdom…” means I need God to Control Me:
Because we are so easily wanting our own way.
As Isaiah 53:6 says, we each turn to our own way by habit.
That’s just how we are wired.
So we need to pause each day to surrender our body back to God’s control, and then reaffirm our trust in His plans.
Lord, I want You to Control me, so I surrender to your control today.
“Your will…” means I need God to Lead Me:
Because we are so easily misled and confused, and needy of help to find our way in life, and we are so unable to know the future that we really need daily guidance.
Lord, I want You to Guide me, so I will seek to follow You today.
“Daily bread…” means I need God to Supply Me:
Because we are so temporary, frail, insufficient and unable to even go without sleep for very long.
I need to pause each day to ask God to give me what I need to not just survive today, but be filled and satisfied.
Lord, I feed me daily bread by Your Word, to supply me so I see Your Hand in my life.
“Forgive us…” means I need God to Cleanse Me:
Our biggest problem in life is sin.
Our biggest area of sin is usually in our relationships with others. Look at the sin list in Galatians 5, out of 17 categories of sin, 8 of them are interpersonal.
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