Nehemiah models sainthood.
Sensitive and yielded, he serves God.
Faithful and transparent, he shows godliness.
His characteristics read like the want ads for Biblical Ministry for the 21st Century – “Powerful Team Builder”, “Fervent Man of Prayer”, “Humble Servant”, “Godly Politician” and so on. What can we learn from him? More than could be shared in one study. We can survey his life and the book that bears his name and glean three practical insights and treasures from his legacy. Nehemiah models: Godly Character, Godly Prayers, and Godly Leadership.
The subject of prayer is so vast and vital that we can only hope to learn a facet of it in this study. But if that small aspect of prayer that touches your heart results in even greater devotion to and worship for our God, then we have invested our time together well.
First, let’s discuss some basics concerning the Old Testament’s recorded prayers. Nehemiah has the 8th most prayers recorded in the Bible. The total number of prayers, short and long, is no less than 139.
Ten different words are used to describe praying, as we shall see later.
It is also interesting to note that Nehemiah is second among the books of the Old Testament for the most lines or cm. of recorded prayers. On the other end, fifteen Old Testament books have no prayers recorded in them.
A. As we look closely at the individual prayers of some men and one woman, let’s start with Nehemiah. The key to learning from him is to see how prayer flows from his life. Nehemiah’s prayers are just a reflection of his continual devotion to God. In fact, the book of Nehemiah is more like a diary detailing his life and thoughts, and it is the most enormous work of its kind in the Bible.
B. What characterized the life that produced such a magnificent prayer as that recorded in Nehemiah 1:4-11? The following are just a few of the many distinguishing characteristics that marked God’s servant, Nehemiah:
1. He was grieved when God’s name was not honored Nehemiah 2:2 so the king asked me, "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart." I was very much afraid, (NIV)
From OTI-16 – Nehemiah – Faithfulness to God (960327WE)
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