This morning if you were called to go and share a message about Jesus Christ and explain how to be saved, born-again, and live the life of a believer, what would you share?
Let me add that you will be facing 2,000 antagonistic, gang members who have
o all killed at least one person in their life (and ate their body I might add),
o all are involved in witchcraft of some form,
o all have both a drinking and drug addiction, and
o all are living in adultery or fornication.
Add to that several hundred unwed mothers, plus countless divorced and unfaithful women as well as some legions of hardened children who live in those broken homes. And I am not describing America although we are fast approaching this state!
Now, what would you teach them if they asked you to stay a month and present Christ?
Well, that is exactly the situation that faced one of the most well-documented missionaries of the past 100 years.
o The year is 1910. The place is Central Africa, the man Charles T. Studd.
o What was his plan? He started in the Gospels and preached to them the message of Jesus straight from the Gospels.
o And what happened? One of the greatest movings of the Holy Spirit since Pentecost. Tens of thousands were completely changed from the inside out!
o And 21 years later in 1931, there were scores of local churches, pastored by converted pagans, training homes with married couples raising godly children!
Passed now are the years of darkness and savagery. The former enemies sit shoulder to shoulder. No weapons of war are left, only the bond of love. This would be the last sight of his dear saintly convert Studd would see. After his message uttered between gasps for air, with every era strained to catch each word, he is carried back to his hut. Exhausted, he rests, though only his Savior knew it was his last. In the night the Faithful Shepherd who had led him to China, then India and finally to the very heart of Africa – took CT home. In the morning only the shriveled earthly tent was left. But around that hut and to the furthest reaches of the jungles and on mission stations around the world, the footprints of this giant can be found today.
Welcome to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The Master’s Message In John is watching Jesus through the eyes and ears of the Apostle John. We are doing this study because Jesus is the One who sent us to go and preach His gospel.
Jesus is the best One to summarize the message He wants us to share in His name. What is the Gospel? Christ Jesus answers through the eyes and ears of the Apostle that He loved – John.
John has over 20 powerful scenes where our Lord Jesus Christ explains the truth about salvation and identifies those who are saved. We have come to the third of 26 beautiful moments in Christ’s Ministry.
John captures Jesus describing believers as those who:
1. Possess Jesus Christ (1.12);
2. Understand salvation is only by substitution (1.29);
3. Have been overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit (1.33);
4. Hang on to Christ alone (2.11);
5. Get to start life over again –only this time brand new and in the right way with no wrath of God to ever fear (3.1-36);
6. Worshipers who drink the water of life because they are convinced that Christ is their only hope (4.1-42);
(WFM-49; 020519AM)
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