Life in the Flesh or Spirit would be an apt title for this first book of Samuel.
The striking contrasts between Hannah and Peniah, Samuel and Eli, and David and Saul attest to this truth.
We read some of the great stories of the Bible in First Samuel, like–
The persistent love of Hannah [1],
the wicked sons of Eli [2],
the calling of Samuel [3],
the humiliation of Dagon [4-6],
the disobedience of Saul [13-end],
David’s calling from the flocks [16],
David and Goliath [17],
the friendship of Jonathan [18],
Saul and the Witch [28] and so many more.
This book also marvelously introduces to three key doctrines:
the Doctrine of God,
the Doctrine of Prayer, and
the Doctrine of Worship.
We can briefly examine each.
From OTI-09 – I Samuel – Three Key Doctrines (960207WE)
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