The book of Leviticus has been rightly called ‘the most NT of all the OT books.
It reveals incredibly the work of Christ on the Cross. Divine Inspiration is more clearly stated in Leviticus than in any other book. Twenty chapters start with, ‘and the Lord said…’ and other places total 38 times the ‘Lord spoke…’. The dual theme of ATONEMENT [48x] kaphar in Hebrew and HOLINESS [100x] qodesh, qadesh, qadosh in Hebrew, set the stage for this incomparable book.
The atonement of the OT sacrifices was a kaphar “covering”, they were not removing sin [Hebrews. 10:4]. Only the Coming One could offer a perfect sacrifice for sin [Hebrews. 9:15]. The holiness of Leviticus is basically “separateness”.
When SEPARATENESS refers to God, it implies that He is unique and separate from all that is earthly and wrong. A simple definition of holy comes from why certain things are called sacred. The Bible is called ‘HOLY BIBLE,’
The land of Israel is called the ‘HOLY LAND’ and the city of Jerusalem is called the ‘HOLY CITY’. Why? There is a quality about all three which they share in common. THEY ALL BELONG TO GOD.
The Bible is God’s book; Israel is God’s land; Jerusalem is God’s city- they are God’s property! That is why they are HOLY; they belong to God! When referring to man, kaphar speaks of a life of purity and obedience.
From OTI-03 – Leviticus – The Offering (951129WE)
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