What is Palm Sunday? We all know it is one of the most recognized and celebrated Biblical events. It is the three best-known Biblical events after Christmas and Easter (Resurrection Sunday).
So why do we celebrate this event? What happened when the palm branches were waved, the voices shouted Hosanna, and Jesus entered Jerusalem like a King? To find out, open with me to the Gospel by Matthew, chapter 21.
Jesus lived about 33 years on earth, as most Bible scholars agree. That works out to 12,053 days on Earth. Of those years of days, we have four books of the Bible, giving us an eyewitness account of what went on. God directed those Four Witnesses to write down Christ’s earthly ministry. The written record reports what they and others witnessed and experienced — the Four Gospels. They wrote down what God wanted us to know and learn from.
Between all four, they record 89 chapters detailing over 250 events in Christ’s life. Those who have spent their lives closely examining those events discovered that out of the 30-plus years of the earthly life of Jesus and His 3-plus years of ministry, out of over 12,053 days of life on Earth – only 52 different day’s events are recorded. So today we celebrate one very special day in the Life of Jesus.
This week has been called Passion Week throughout the ages of Christ’s church. Passion Week is what Bible scholars have called the week recorded in the Life of Christ from Palm Sunday through Resurrection Sunday.
APPLICATION: Could I encourage you to do something this Passion Week? Read the record of Christ’s Passion. It is recorded in each of the Gospels. This record of Christ’s final week covers just 20 chapters. If you take my challenge, you only need to read 3 chapters each day of this week. If you do so, you will walk daily with Jesus through the greatest week in the history of the Universe. The week that Jesus liberated us from the power and penalty of sin!
If you want to walk through the Passion of Jesus this week why not mark these four spots to start your journey. Matthew 21.22, Mark 11.1, Luke 19.28, and John 12.12.
Please turn there to the Palm Sunday Triumphal Entry of Jesus the Lamb, which was to be slain at God’s precise moment. Mark 11:1-10, and please stand with me as we read these verses.
Palm Sunday is essential. All Four Gospels record this day. And there are only two other events before the Cross that are in all four. So Palm Sunday’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem was something God wants us to think about and remember. Why?
Because each event recorded in all four of the Gospels displays a precious element of Christ’s character. With unanimous voices the Gospel writers declare —
• that Christ came for the Lost at the start of His ministry (Matthew 4.12-17; Mark 1.14-15; Luke 4.14-15; John 4.43-45);
• that Christ came with Compassion in the record of the feeding of the Five Thousand (Matthew 14.14-21; Mark 6.30-44; Luke 9.10-17; John 6.1-15); and
• That Christ offers Hope. And that is the message of Palm Sunday! Let’s learn why!
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