Do you realize how much of the theological fog and confusion that surrounds so many sincere believers each day can be cleared up just by a simple reading and believing of the truths of Revelation 4-5?
To get a foundational view of what God has taught us, please open with me to the last 4 verses of Revelation 5.
One of the truths we can never hear often enough is that we each possess God’s Word today. God’s actual voice was recorded, His exact words were written down, and the Divine Revelation of God is ours in the Holy Bible.
When I travel to remote places, I usually leave a message from Bonnie and others of my grown children on my phone so I can play it over when I especially miss them and hear their voices again.
Jesus told us His Voice is the key to everything that matters eternally to us. “My sheep hear My Voice, and I know them and they follow Me” (John 10:27). One of the most significant evidences of salvation is when Jesus said that those who are His would know, listen to, hear, and respond to His voice in John 10. That was not just true 2,000 years ago. It is true today. Each time a believer opens the Bible they hear not just the words that saved them (faith comes by hearing the Word) but also the Word that guides us for life. Our Bibles are:
A Literal, Trustworthy
Record of God’s Voice
God has spoken, He has spoken clearly, and He has ensured that we have a written copy of His Word. Most likely, the Bible we now hold was started as a written document on Mount Sinai as Moses stood and watched God write with His own finger (Ex. 31:17-18), the Ten Commandments.
After that initial written Word from God, Moses was directed to write down not his own words, thoughts, and ideas but the very words of God. No book has ever been written like God’s Word, the Bible
From TRU-19a – How Should God’s Description in Revelation 4 & 5 Impact Each of Our Lives Today (120930AM)
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