Satan’s PlayBook Is Very Old:
Satan has just one old playbook. His lies and tricks are old, have been used repeatedly through the centuries, and are all straightforward to spot.
Each generation of believers faces very new and actual attacks of these ancient and familiar lies and deceptions.
Satan’s original pack of deceptive lies is in Genesis 3. They are still with us.
Remember the tools Satan used in the Garden of Eden?
Let me state them again as we prepare to see them in action as we read our text. Satan convinced Eve to—
Doubt God’s Word: “Hath God said” (An attack on whether God has even spoken);
Doubt God’s Plan: “ye shall not surely die” (An attack on the Penal Substitutionary Atonement—only those who will trust in the perfect death of God’s Substitute will be saved).
Doubt God’s Authority over Life: “your eyes shall be opened” (An attack on Biblical Epistemology—whether God’s Word is the source of truth to live life God’s way.)
(GEM-13; 101031AM)
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