Working through this chapter with my small group took me two weeks, so here it finally is. How relevant to these days in which we live. God will sustain, protect, and bless all those who live by faith, walking through life as pilgrims and strangers. Hope this blesses your walk of faith as it has challenged, strengthened, and helped mine.
How to Live For God Through the Darkest Days of Human History & Please Him.
1–This is maybe the most important chapter for the historical record of human history given by Divine Inspiration, as God gives us an inspired, Divine-view of 15 men, two women, and some prophets—plus at least 17 historical events God describes.
2–In this chapter, God affirms the inspired OT record of Creation. The Fall. Cain & Abel. Enoch’s Rapture. The entire Earth-covering flood of Noah. God’s Choice & Call of Abraham of Ur, then Canaan, His choice of Isaac over Ishmael (2nd born over 1st), and Jacob over Esau (same). Joseph in Egypt, Moses in Pharaoh’s court, the Passover, Crossing the Red Sea on dry land, and the destruction of Pharaoh’s army. Jericho’s Walls were flattened, Rahab’s conversion, the exploits of Samson, Samuel, and David’s life. These may be the most far-ranging chapters in the Bible. All of it comes down to this–only FAITH pleases God.
3—These “heroes of the faith” struggled through some of the worst, darkest, and most dangerous days of human history—by faith. If we analyze their world and the world each of us lives in—we find significant similarities. It is busy. More to do than time permits each day. It is also distracting. Many things draw and tug at our minds to get our attention. It is also evil. Darkness surrounds our hearts and souls each moment as the last days breathe down upon us.
4—Finally, God offers us a secret that keeps us powerfully godly in a busy, distracting, and evil world. Living, walking, and serving by simple faith in His Word. The question is–are you interested? God offers a proven technique that has always worked—at any time, place, or pressure. For some, it sounds too good to be true. But, for others, it is even worse than that. For most believers, simple faith is too hard to even be considered.
(FTGC-45; 220125)
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