Satan knows one thing for sure—destroy Israel, and you have discredited God, proven Him wrong, shown He’s untrustworthy, and can’t keep His promises.
The whole message of Revelation 12’s Dragon War against the chosen people of promises called the Jews is played out across the pages of the Scriptures.
But none are more arresting than to hear the names of the countries in the news almost daily—RUSSIA, IRAN, TURKEY, and the Islamic regions. That is what makes this study of Ezekiel 37 (Israel’s Rebirth), Ezekiel 38 (the Prince of Persia’s Infernal Conspiracy), and Ezekiel 39 (God’s Ultimate Victory)—such a faith-building time in God’s Word.
As we will see, Jesus wants prophecy to compel us to sanctified and submissive living. Join us on a journey through the Scriptures that is literally life-transforming!
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