Reading about all the pain, sorrows, and fears around us is hard.
Everything seems unstable–our country, the world, commodities, the weather, the future, our personal security, and even the church. What should we do?
A tiny glimpse into Revelation 4’s doorway into Heaven gives us truths to hold onto and guard today, this week, and for the rest of our lives. Truths like those that kept the early saints through the GLOOMY DAYS of persecution and prison and made them radiant even when they lost their health, possessions, and freedoms.
What Truths Need Guarding Today? Let me suggest Four Truths to Guard in Your heart and life:
1. HEAVEN IS REAL means planning for the best being yet ahead and believing that everything in this final book is happening. Heaven is Real! Say that with me: Heaven is Real. Now say it again and emphasize that last word: Heaven is REAL!
2. GOD IS ON THE THRONE: that is true even if you are being persecuted like early believers, or are suffering at the hands of your enemies like John on Patmos, or struggling just to make it through one day at a time because life is so hard. God is on the Throne! Say that with me: God is on the Throne. Now say it again and emphasize that last word: God is on the THRONE!
3. I AM HIS SERVANT: God saved me to be His servant-slave forever. That is what I am designed for, which makes me hum spiritually. All systems are calibrated in me to run best when in His service. That makes everything secondary to serving God. I am His Servant. Say that with me: I am His Servant.
4. CHRIST IS MY TRUE TREASURE: That means that Christ is the measure of what matters in life. For me, living is Christ. He is worth waiting for, sacrificing for, and living for. Say that with me: Christ is My True Treasure.
So, the door swings open, and Heaven is right before John.
God has sent us a message. We are seeing what most humans have never stopped to examine, understand, or even pay attention to.
These truths are so important. God says, GUARD them, keep them, hold them close.
Repeat them one more time as we stand together.
Say these truths, and remember these truths.
Heaven is REAL!
God is on the THRONE!
I am His Servant.
Christ is My True Treasure.
Guard these things. Live these things.
(TRU-01; 120212AM)
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