Run the Race, Look to Jesus.
This morning, we are looking at what God wants from every one of us who lives in the body He made for us. This body is His Temple; what we do with this temple will be the basis for our everlasting reward in His Presence.
The man who knew more about the Christian life than anyone else compared it to an agonizing endurance race. That same man – the Apostle Paul tells us that the main examination that we as believers will face is the question, “What did you do with your body?” Remember that 1st Corinthians 6.19-20 and 2nd Corinthians 5.10 reminds us that:
Our body was made by God.
Our body was bought by Christ’s sacrifice.
Our body will stand before Christ’s Throne.
Our body is the basis of our judgment for rewards.
Rewards are given for pleasing God.
Fruit is what is produced by God in my life as I please Him — that will last forever.
How does God produce fruit in our lives? In John 15, we find the secret to fruit, rewards, fruitfulness, and pleasing God in all we do. It is a two-way street – He abides in us, and we abide in Him.
God has outlined for us in His Word the four areas He watches, remember,s and will someday test for fruitfulness. Do you know them? Are you cultivating these four areas each day for His Glory?
Fruit Consists of inviting Jesus into each area of my life and letting Him take it over. When Jesus is invited into each area what happens?
My time becomes where He “abides” (John 15);
my possessions are all evaluated by how to make God “rich” and not me (Luke 12);
my attitude becomes His personality (Galatians 5);
my body is not mine anymore and I present” it to Him (Romans 12).
Remember the river of our life flowing by at 60 minutes an hour? This is all about how we use, how we prioritize, and how we spend our moments.
Has God said anything about that time? Yes –Seek Me FIRST (Matthew 6.33). Jesus wants to be welcomed into all of my time. That is what abide means, He wants to “stay” with you – get up each morning and eat with you, go out to the car and ride with you, sit at your desk while you work, go to lunch, ride home and spend the evening with you. He wants you to notice Him, talk to Him, and let Him be a part of your life.
This is what we do with our money. This is how we view our possessions.
Has God said anything about those treasures? Yes – Jesus said much about money, the summary would be two passages – in Matthew 6:19-21 He says lay not up and in Luke 12 He says be rich towards God!
This is what we do with our minds. This is how we relate to life and people.
Has God said anything about that mind? Yes –
• HE WANTS TO CAPTIVATE MY THOUGHTS. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
(WWJ-61; 040822AM)
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