Today, if there was a book we all need to read it, would be titled, "How to Walk with God for 300 Years" by Brother Enoch.
What an unbelievable life that man had. He lived in the worst time on earth. There were only 8 Noahans and 1 Enoch out of billions of human beings who were spiritual and righteous. The world was so bad God had to sweep it all away.
And through it all, there was a light shining that never went out. There was a voice speaking that never was silenced. There was a life lived that could not be bought out, bribed, or wasted with selfish gratification, Enoch was God’s man. Enoch will forever be an example of how to stand alone for God.
Please open with me to God’s Inspired record of the Lost World, Genesis 5:21-24. In these verses, we find that God gives us only a 48-word (in our English Bible) introduction to one of the truly wonderful heroes of His Word.
Meet the Enoch who walked with God.
Meet Enoch the mysterious saint, yet a man who like us was called to walk through a world screaming towards calamity, destruction and God’s judgment.
Meet Enoch a prophet of God’s judgment and a portrait of God’s grace.
Our text this morning continues a pattern we have been seeing.
Abel illustrates that Genuine Faith prompts Genuine worship of God.
Enoch illustrates that Genuine Faith prompts a Genuine Walk with God.
Noah illustrates that Genuine Faith prompts Genuine work for God.
First of all, we need to see that this is a new concept in the Book of Genesis. We have seen that Abel knew what it was to worship by faith, but the Scriptures do not share any insights on how he was walking with God. This brings us to one of the fundamental truths of God’s Word. Revelation in Scripture is progressive. Abel received some revelation, and Enoch received more. And to us has been given the ultimate earthly revelation of God’s Son and His Word. And here it is in our hands!
As we read this book it opens with Adam and Eve who walked and talked with God in the Garden, but when they fell and were thrown out of the Garden, they ceased to walk and talk with Him.
But in chapter 5, we see that man’s ultimate destiny is reintroduced. Enoch illustrates for all of us what it means to be in fellowship with God. Enoch portrays our true destiny.
Enoch experienced the fellowship with God that Adam and Eve had forfeited.
(GEN-17; 000130AM)
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