Following the Divine Pathway of God:
My last year in seminary was a final push to learn all I could about the Word.
I spent the summer in LA, and each Saturday, I checked the church page.
I looked for the greatest authority on the Word I could learn from.
Some weeks, it was Tim “Left Behind” LaHaye in San Diego; other weeks, it was Chuck Smith, David Hocking, or two services at Chuck Swindoll’s. Then there was Hal Lindsey, and most of all, every week, I went to learn from John MacArthur. Each was a great Bible Teacher…
But today we welcome the greatest Bible Expositor of all.
We sit this morning at the feet of the greatest teacher who has ever taught God’s Word.
Who am I speaking of? The Author Himself, He has come this morning to open His Word to us.
He has expounded upon the wonders of His own Word by inspiring one unique man named Ezra to capture a sermon by the Lord God Almighty on the Book of Books – Psalm 119 is a sermon about God’s Word.
Psalm 119 is a Psalm or song written by God to summarize the power and purpose of His Word. Longer than all but three of Paul’s epistles – we have a book within a book, by the Author of the Book about the Book of Books!
Psalm 119 is a call by the Lord to each of us – to unleash His Word into our lives today.
As we open to the 119th Psalm this morning, we open to the greatest commentary ever written on the Bible.
WAY: When His Word is filling our lives we are Walking the Divine Path with the Divine Guide, down the Journey of Life. (13x)
Our family went to Mammoth Cave one year. It was beautiful, but at the end, as they always do – they had us sit and then turned out the lights. Then the guide said, you are 140 feet underground. It is 14 stories of solid rock above you, there is no light for ¾ of a mile of winding, wet, dangerous passageways – do you need a guide? YES we all said. Do you see life that way? Without the divine guide of the Word, of Jesus walking us through life – it is even more hopeless than that cave.
Psalm 119:1, 3, 5, 14 Blessed are the undefiled in the way, Who walk in the law of the Lord! 3 They also do no iniquity; They walk in His ways. 5 Oh, that my ways were directed To keep Your statutes! 14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches.
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