Today, sitting here: we are gathered as the Body of Christ. So the first truth to consider today is this: WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST. The Body of Christ: that is what we are called, and that is what we are by God’s grace.
We are to represent Christ alive in us as we live and go through life in the world. That is what it means that our body is the temple of God. He lives in us, and He wants to radiate out of us in our words, attitudes, and actions.
God wants to empower us as we talk, as we live, as we think, and as we act. God wants to flow out of us, and into this sin-sickened and sin-darkened world. That is a description of what we read about in the New Testament. People living Christ in a Christ-less world.
We were saved to spend the rest of our lives being the only reflection of Christ most people will ever get to see. There are people in our life that we will become the closest thing to Jesus Christ they will ever see.
Wow, that is a big thought. That leads us to the second truth we need to consider:
God tasked us with living a Christ-reflecting life, no matter what the world, society, or cultural norms around us may be. That call to reflect God in our lives has always been the same for every believer from the Garden of Eden onward.
Joseph did in Egypt. Way back 4,000 years ago, in mighty, pyramid-building Egypt, a lowly, sold-into-slavery, all alone and away from his family young man named Joseph—lived reflecting God in such a way that Pharaoh and others said that the Spirit of God was in him. Listen to Gen. 41:38:
Genesis 41:38 (NKJV)And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?”
Daniel did in Babylon. The same was said of the man Daniel, who lived in such a way that 2,500 years ago, as a prisoner of war, carried away captive by the army that slaughtered his people and destroyed his nation—he stood reflecting God before the King of Babylon. Listen to Daniel 5:14:
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