In Matthew 24, Jesus explained that world events would be tied to Jerusalem. Jesus also saw a Jewish Temple rebuilt as part of the Tribulation events.
So, for this Temple to be built (which Paul, John, and Daniel also saw prophetically, with Christ), something must happen during the “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). That may be what we are seeing happening all around us in world events touching upon the Nation of Israel.
Are we Living for Heaven Today?
As He taught on the End of Days, Jesus revealed that all of Herod’s magnificent buildings would become rubble and that nothing on earth ever lasts, but Jesus came to His disciples with an offer of something they could become a part of that never ends.
Open to Luke 21:36 with me to see Christ’s application to prophecy. This is before we even look at our study tonight.
“Watch, therefore, and pray always…” (Luke 21:36)
Pray is the word for beg, implore and beseech, it is an intense word! It was used after the chapter filled with prophecy and end times. Jesus was asking us:
What are you intensely asking (begging) God to do through your life that will last forever?
That is what should most be on our hearts as we study a prophecy. It is not whether our view is perfect and every detail is what will happen; it is whether we are living for what really matters!
One of our challenges as students of the Bible is to study and search the Scriptures, seek to reach biblical conclusions, and then wait.
Here is a fantastic look at all the prophetic trends in 2016-2017.
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