What would you like to have written on your tombstone? When people remember your life and mine, what would we like them to remember? Whatâs really interesting is that God wrote many epitaphs, memories of what the life that was lived was all about. Hebrews 11 is a chapter filled with monuments to lives lived for God that pleased Him.
ep·i·taph [noun] Definitions: 1. inscription on a tombstone: an inscription on a tombstone or monument commemorating the person buried there; 2. speech or writing commemorating a dead person: a short speech or piece of writing celebrating the life of a recently deceased person.
If God sent an order to write an inscription to the monument company, what would He send? God’s epitaph for David is written down in Acts 13. I invite you to the marker that captures David’s entire life on planet Earth. In nine words, God sums up what a servant is all about. This is what I like to call Davidâs Spiritual Secret!
Please open to Acts 13:36.
Acts 13:36 âFor when David had served Godâs purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed. NIV
Who Will Be In Heaven? Godâs Servants.
And what do Paul in the New Testament and David in the Old Testament have in common? Both called themselves Godâs servants and looked on life as serving God, and the end of life as having finished their service for Him.
So, whose life is considered important to God? Well, who did God chose to write more about than any other single person in the whole history of the world? The answer is the young man we met this morning.
David was âGod-hearted,â which meant he served Godâs purposes. The word âservedâ is the verb form (hupereteo) of the word for an under-rower (huperetes) that we have often studied as a model of how to serve the Lord.
David was under Godâs command, he did what the Lord asked him to do, willingly unseen and obscureâalways wanting the Lord to get all the glory. A simpler way to say that isâDavid was Godâs servant all his days. No wonder Paul uses the very same concept to describe his own life and ministry.
DSS-03 – David’s Epitaph – Nine Words (060115AM)
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