What passage would you turn to when you get the word that one of your best friends is dying soon of cancer and they want you to share a Scripture with them?
This week I was driving my family across central Florida. The terrain of that area is pretty monotonous for a couple of hours between the coasts. As we topped one hill, something new confronted all the pairs of eyes watching out the windows…acres and acres and acres of mobile homes were lined up as far as we could see. The fenced entrance said “Pre-owned Mobile Home Liquidators”.
One of the children asked, “What does “Pre-owned Mobile Homes” mean? Bonnie quietly said, “It means that many of the senior citizens in Florida who lived in them have died, and now they are for sale.” And they were—thousands of them as far as we could see.
Those “previous owner deceased mobile homes” acres reminded me of one of the most remarkable facets of pastoring Christ’s church. As a pastor, I often get the joy of standing by people as they prepare to face death. For many, it is a precious time to help them get ready. And do you know where to turn to find one of the most practical places in all God’s Word for getting ready? Psalm 116. As you turn, may I take your mind back to Florida?
There are over 16 million people who live in Florida.
Over 4 million are in their “Golden Years”.
Over 200,00 died in 2024.
How much did those 200,000 people leave behind? EVERYTHING.
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