We need to refresh our minds with God’s plan to help us settle in on what the Lord desires for each of us. One key passage is 1 Timothy 4.7.
Paul says we are to discipline ourselves toward godliness. What are the disciplines that encourage a godly life? Today, we start on that study: The Disciplines of a Godly Life. The first and foremost discipline is the Discipline of the Scriptures.
The Great Necessity
Time alone with God in His Word, the Scriptures, is necessary in our spiritual lives. We need to be alone with God daily! We need to find times to get away alone. E. Stanley Jones once described a time in the Scriptures as a “time exposure to God.” He used the analogy of his life being like a photographic plate which, when exposed to God, progressively bore the image of God in keeping with the length of exposure.
Please open your Bibles to Psalm 16.11.
Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
This morning let me start with the conclusion of my challenge to you from God’s Word. This verse thrills my heart because in these few words God says so much. He offers us three incredible and priceless benefits from the discipline of Scripture.
The Benefits of a Super Guide
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