As we open to 2 Samuel 11, David has finally made it to the top. Giants are killed, enemies are dead, life on the run is over, and normal life has finally started for David. As we will see, it is precisely when things are going “great” that we face some of the most lethal spiritual pathogens.
We are lulled into thinking we don’t quite need the Lord as much as when we were sick, when we were single, when we were unemployed, or when we were under attack.
Most people think, wouldn’t it be nice to succeed, to make it, to win the lottery of life, and have everything you’ve ever wanted. Actually, if you do a scientific study of those who have “made” it, most wish they hadn’t. Many find that great success often ruins their lives.
The greatest lesson of this chapter may well be:
Beware of Life at the Top
David is at the top of his career, a firmly established and secure King.
David is at the top of his family life with a good home and education for his children all safely settled into Jerusalem, his wives are all busy and have full lives caring for the kids and for David.
David is at the top of his spiritual life: he has written and published some of the greatest songs of all time like Psalm (or Song 23), Psalm 19, 101, 24, and on and on. David is at the top as far as he or anyone else but God could see.
But as we’ll see as we read 2 Samuel 11: 1-26 it was here in his strong, top of his life years—he was tempted and failed miserably (2 Samuel 11). Join me there as we read these fateful words of the dangerously powerful lusts of sin, and the worst moment of David’s life.
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