God has a way out of the Cave of Depression for us.
Have you ever felt prehistoric?
Have you ever come to the place life has been reduced to grunts and groans? As one poet expressed it, "life must go on . . . I just can’t remember why".
Cave times are when life reduces to a vicious swirl. It becomes getting up, going through the day and dropping into bed exhausted only to fall further behind instead of ahead!
Trapped in a cave David babysat four hundred fellow fugitives. That’s his address in Psalm 142. From the cave of Adullam, he looks up and discovers some great truths about God. So can we.
Psalm 142 is the classic confession of David when he was a caveman, alone and depressed. God satisfied him completely as he discovered great things about God. Remember, a heart that thirsts for God will always be satisfied. That is the summary of the Life of David. What do we find as we examine the life of David? DAVID was always THIRSTING AFTER GOD. And this is THE SECRET OF A LIFE THAT IS SATISFIED AT ALL TIMES. IN THIS overview of the dark days in David’s life, we see how his thirst for God was satisfied.
Cave times often slide in right after our victories as David discovered.
As "the hero" David toppled the #1 Villain of the hour (Goliath) and lived to tell about it (I Samuel 17).
As "Mr. Brave" David escaped an assassination attempt by Saul (I Samuel 19).
As "Mr. Clever" David acted his way out of the presence of the dreadful commander of the Philistines (I Samuel 21).
David is a monumental person in history. Robinson in ISBE writes that David is the most gifted and versatile personage in Israelite history. Only Moses surpasses David in ethical greatness and general historical importance. Dean Stanley writes, there is no OT character to be compared to the complexity of David in the elements of passion, tenderness, generosity, and fierceness; David was a soldier, shepherd, poet, statesman, priest, prophet, king, the romantic friend, chivalrous leader, and the devoted father, all in one; only Jacob’s life comes near in the variety.
In our text we meet David running for his life, caring for his family and hosting all these malcontents. And yet, Cave life yields great discoveries about God. David sings them in Psalm 142.
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