Satan the Adversary has tried to mess up God’s plan over and over.
There are at least 7 times He tried to do so.
1–He tempted and led to sin Adam & Eve in Genesis 3. But God promised a seed. A deliverer who would redeem humanity.
2–He incited self-righteous Cain to kill faith-righteous Abel in Genesis 4.
3–In our text this morning Genesis 6, he tried to corrupt the entire race, and thus erase the promised seed.
4–When God singled out Israel and Moses as the deliverer he tried to get Moses out of the way by riches, then murder then pride, etc.
5–Satan then tried to get God to destroy Israel with the golden calf, Exodus 32-24.
6–He then tried to defile Israel with intermarriage with Midianite women in Numbers 25.
7–Finally he tried to murder Christ in Nazareth, then Jerusalem, and finally through Judas.
You see the Lord has planned to pour out His wrath against sin two times on earth.
First at the Flood and secondly at the Tribulation.
Both are fantastic pictures of His Grace. In the flood times God sent Enoch a preaching prophet who told the world;
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