Q&A: What Does it Mean to Give Place to the Devil in Ephesians 4? What are Ways Believers Can Invite Demonic Troubles?
Satan never sleeps, never stops stalking each of God’s children. But, as we turn onward to II Corinthians 10:4, Paul uses a Greek word that defines Satan’s chief strategy , that we must not ignore.
2 Corinthians 10:4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
The word warfare in 2 Corinthians 10:4 means “campaign.” Paul explains that he was not simply involved in some little skirmish while ministering in Corinth; he defines Satan’s attack on him as just one little piece of a highly organized and relentless campaign.
Satan and his demons are alive, awake, and at work relentlessly, tirelessly, and devastatingly 24/7 as the ultimate spiritual terrorists. When you think about the safety of your life, home, and loved ones never ignore the reality of the powers of hell always trying to destroy the work of God (Matt. 16:18). Don’t ignore the devil, and don’t yield any ground to the enemy, not even one inch!
Satan looks for and uses landing places like anger, lying, pride, and lust. (5117) topos “any spot, place, or position” [ That is why Paul says, “I command you to keep your sword always ready]
Ephesians 4:27 nor give place to the devil.
Anger can give Satan great power over us, as it furnishes a motive to yield to his evil suggestions. With the article (the devil) this always means Satan, the great accuser, the prince of the demons or fallen angels, who is the great opposer of God and seducer of men, against whose schemes we are commanded to be constantly on our guard.
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