"Balance of Power" focuses on the intersection of politics and global business. On the show today, Barbara Perry, Director of Presidential Studies at the University of Virginia, shares her insight on President Biden and former President Trump agreeing to two Presidential debates, and discusses the unusualness of having a debate before either Republican or Democratic Conventions. Democratic Senator of Colorado, Michael Bennet, discusses whether or not President Biden’s recent decisions to provide aid to Israel and withdrawing weapons to Israel has upset both Republicans and Democrats. Republican Senator of North Carolina, Thom Tillis, discusses the effectiveness of the United States’ aid to Ukraine as the country faces a Russian assault on the northeast, and states that America needs to send a lot more weapons to Ukraine.
00:00 Balance of Power Begins
11:15 Barbara Perry, Director of Presidential Studies at the University of Virginia
19:20 Bloomberg’s Katanga Johnson
24:42 Senator Michael Bennet (D) Colorado
34:00 Senator Thom Tillis (R) North Carolina
40:53 Political Panel with Jim Kessler, Third Way Executive Vice President & Bluestack Strategies Founder & Principal Maura Gillespie
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