Last week, we saw that the first church of Satan is an amalgam of counterfeits of the true church.
We learned these 3 Lessons:
(1) Renounce
(2) Avoid idolatry
(3) Believe as Word
Open to Romans 1 to Rev. 17 —
(1) Renounce Heredity:
I. This is the reason why every nation and tribe of the past or present (except those whose cosmogony is based on Genesis 1 and 2, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) has a religious system that is at a fundamental level:
A. PANTHEISTIC (believing that the physical universe (v. 23), rather than the transcendent Creator of that universe, is the ultimate reality),
B. POLYTHEISTIC v. 23 (believing that this deified cosmos manifests itself locally as various forces and systems of nature, which are personified as “gods” and “goddesses”),
C. (v. 23) IDOLATROUS (believing that these gods and goddesses, or personified forces and systems of nature, should be worshiped through images constructed to represent them and which they then possess and energize). This monstrous system of evolutionary, polytheistic, pantheistic, spiritistic, and astrological idolatry has permeated practically every culture in the world in one form or another. Even modern evolutionary scientism is nothing but this same ancient paganism in more sophisticated garb.
All religions and philosophies, except those founded on Divine revelation as revealed in Genesis, worship and serve the creation more than the Creator (Romans 1:25) and thus are under God’s condemnation. They are either
D. (v. 25) EVOLUTIONARY (believing that these personified forces of nature somehow generate higher and higher orders of beings, including man and–in many cases–even spirits),
E. (2 K 17) ANIMALISTIC/SPIRITISTIC (believing that the spirits so generated, including the spirits of dead men and women, continue to survive and perhaps evolve into still higher beings),
F. (2 K 12:17) ASTROLOGICAL (believing that the highest beings so developed either inhabit or are identical with the starry host of heaven so that these stars control events on earth), and
G. (v. 25) HUMANISTIC (worshiping man as the highest attainment of the cosmic process) or
H. (Rev. 13, 17) “SUPER-HUMANISTIC” (worshiping spiritual beings as still higher attainments of evolution than man). Since they are inexcusable in such an arbitrary rejection of their Creator, God has given them up (Romans 1:24, 26, 28) to uncleanness, to vile affections, and a reprobate mind. Thus have all the inhabitants of earth been made drunk with the wine of Babel’s primeval fornication, as Nimrod chose Satan rather than God.
II. Romans 1 is an indictment of all of humanity. What’s the proper response to God the Judge?
(FHA-40; 931017PM)
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