Are you living each day in light of God’s seven-step plan for this world that stretches from Now to Eternity? We have just completed our look at the plan God left for us. Those are what I call the:
Seven Steps:
Now to Eternity
The last place we see at the end of the book is Heaven (#7); immediately preceding Heaven is the Final Judgment known as the Great White Throne (#6); that is right after the Millennium (#5), and that starts right after the Second Coming (#4), and that ends the Tribulation (#3), and that is preceded by the Rapture and Bema Seat finish line for the saints (#1 & 2).
RAPTURE I THESS. 4 BE READY – Christ is Coming
JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST 2 CORIN. 5 BE HOLY – Christ will test our lives.
TRIBULATION REV. 6-19 BE THANKFUL – Christ will keep us from the hour.
SECOND COMING REV. 19 BE PATIENT – Christ will right all wrongs.
MILLENNIUM REV. 20 BE FOCUSED – Christ will perfect the earth
GREAT WHITE THRONE REV. 20 BE FAITHFUL – Point people to Christ.
HEAVEN REV. 21-22 BE INVESTING – Lay up treasure in Heaven.
Now as we open to Matthew 24 again remember what started this whole study. The disciples asked Jesus to explain the SIGNS of His Coming.
Jesus explained to us in Matthew 24, verses 8 and 33-34—that these events would begin at the same time, run concurrently, and crescendo like the pains of a woman giving birth—the closer we get to His Second coming.
Matthew 24:8, 33-34 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.
Matthew 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. The Greek word odin, often translated as sorrows in Matthew 24:8, literally means birth pangs.
The Biblical Signs of Christ’s Return will not be full-blown until the Tribulation time. These signs were captured by the apostles and prophets between 2,000 and 3,500 years ago. Now, they are happening in our lifetime!
So, the Bible contains many specific events that would signal the end of days for life on planet earth as it has been for the past several thousand years.
The Biblical Signs of Christ’s Return will not be full-blown until the time of the Great Tribulation.
Each of the signs of Christ’s Return, He said–are trends.
These trends are speeding up—the last seconds of the countdown clock of Christ’s return are clicking down.
Each day the prophetic picture Christ painted grows clearer.
But, in all of history–ONLY our generation has seen EVERY ONE of these events starting to unfold.
Jesus said these signs would not suddenly appear. He said they would rather become a trend that amplified and strengthened until it became overwhelming like “birth pangs.”
Now that we have surveyed the seven major events to get each one clear in our minds let me give you just a handful of the precise, clear, specific predictions that Christ’s Words in this Book give us. You may be startled. Every one of the signs Christ gave is present in your world today.
You are the first generation in history to experience these trends, these signs—all at once!
The Signs of the
End of Days
WNS-40 – Signs Of His Coming (081116PM)
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