Jesus Reveals Seven I AM’s
in the Gospel by John
The perfection of Christ our God is seen in the seven “I AM’S” in John’s record of Christ’s life and ministry—and illustrated by the Tribulation Judgements upon the earth dwellers who die in their sins because they rejected Christ.
1—BREAD OF LIFE (6:35) – He sustains us, apart from Him is only unsatisfied hunger.
2—LIGHT OF WORLD (8:12) – He illumines us, apart from Him is only impenetrable darkness.
3—DOOR OF SHEEP (10:7,9) – He admits us to life, apart from Him is only hopeless exclusion.
4—GOOD SHEPHERD (10:11) – He cares for us, apart from Him is only aimless wandering.
5—RESURRECTION & LIFE (11:25) – He provides us life, apart from Him is only endless dying.
6—WAY, TRUTH & LIFE (14:6) – He guides us, apart from Him is only endless hopelessness.
7—TRUE VINE (15:1) – He makes us productive, apart from Him is only continual withering.
From WOLFL-2024-03 – The Power Of Hope-Filled Living (240416PM)
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