God uses 12 promises in His Word to identify Israel as the nation that will signal the end of days. God has declared that the Jews are the nation of Israel and are His Chosen People of Promise:
I believe that the prophesied "last days" are upon us and that our generation will likely see the remainder of what God’s Word has foretold would happen to the nation of Israel.
These multiplied dozens of specific Bible passages will come to pass literally because that is how all the prophecies have unfolded and come true. In brief, God has foretold the most dangerous for humanity since the Flood lies dead ahead.
During Noah’s day, 99.999% of all humans died, and in the days ahead, 50+ will be destroyed. God describes the end-of-day scenario as "the time of Jacob’s trouble" (Jeremiah 30:7). God foretold a plan for His chosen people, and Israel spells danger and woe for the entire planet.
Look with me at this incredible summary of all specific promises God has given describing His plans for His Chosen People of Destiny, the Jews.
Now, feel the impact of God’s Words on a man standing out in the sands of the Middle East, in a Land called Canaan. God spoke in Genesis 15 and said, I am giving this Land to your children forever as a testimony to all the World that I AM GOD!
This may be one of the most important studies we have ever undertaken, so feel free to trace these points and verses in your Bibles as we go along!
WNS-62 – God’s Chosen People – Re-Gathered (090927PM)
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