The most profound summary of the Gospel was preached by the man who completely embodies the message. That man wrote most of the New Testament, preached the most messages recorded outside the Gospels, and shaped all we do in church today.
There was a day when Paul was called upon to concisely explain Christ, God’s Word, and the plan of salvation. This message was to be given before perhaps the most educated, sophisticated, and erudite group assembled at one place and time.
One man stood in the center of humanity’s most significant schools of philosophy, education, and sciences.
Before the faculty of humanism’s best, he was given less than 2 minutes to summarize in just 275 words in our English Bible: God’s Plan and Paul did it. It was perfect because it comes to us as an inspired sermon.
We get exactly what God wants us to hear, understand, and use when explaining our God. Turn there with me to Acts 17:24.
You see, as we open to the message of the Gospel after the Cross, we see here the same theme repeated over and over again by Peter, James, John, and here by Paul. What is that theme?
Don’t Ignore and reject Your Creator & Savior
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