"Bible prophecy forecasts key events in God’s involvement with man.
Here is a timetable of prophetic events, from the angelic hosts heralding the coming Messiah to the saints singing praises before the King of Kings.
Daniel describes 70 prophetic “weeks” (490 years) as God’s timetable for the Jewish people and the city of Jerusalem (9:24-27).
Highlights of this period are Christ’s death as a sacrifice for sin, bringing in righteousness as He establishes His kingdom and the rebuilt millennial temple. Except for Christ’s death, all these events will occur during Israel’s national repentance at Christ’s second coming.
The first 69 weeks (483 years) include the command to rebuild Jerusalem, the first coming of the Messiah. Christ’s being “cut off” (crucified) and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A. D. This 69-week period ended at Christ’s triumphal entry.
But Israel rejects the Messiah, interrupting the 70-week timetable. A gap, or unexplained period of time, follows the 69th week (Dan. 9:26). Daniel 9:27 references the end-time Antichrist; thus the gap is about 2,000 which anticipates the church age."
FTGC-23b, WNS-30 – 920126PM –
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