Jesus compared Himself to a Grape Vine, us to branches growing out of that vine – and God our Father as a Gardener walking up and down the rows of branches growing out of Christ our Vine.
What I just said is the heart of Christ’s message to His disciples and to us. John 15 is one of the most precious parts of God’s Word. It is also one of the most transforming. It makes Christian Living a daily set of choices. It makes spiritual things vivid and understandable.
This morning, God wants us to abide fruitfully in Jesus.
How far down the road of life have you walked?
How much of last week was deposited in Heaven? How much of your time and energy were used by the Lord for His purposes and for His glory? We deposit in the bank of Heaven by allowing God to control our time, talents, attitudes, and actions.
Open now with me to John 15:2, where Jesus says that all He rates us on in life is that one word: FRUIT.
Look how He classifies every believer as either fruitful or non-fruitful.
If we are fruitful He wants to encourage us to further fruit.
If we are non-fruitful right now He is going to intervene.
v. 2 “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
God has targeted us to become fruitful branches in His vineyard.
He wants mature branches.
In vineyards, the branches peak, producing years amazingly – at the same age that we as humans pass the halfway point. Grapes are most productive in their 40th year of growth! So, from our ½-way point onward, SO SHOULD WE!
The question is how? That takes us to a study of fruit-bearing that God gives us in Psalm 92:12-15.
Jesus wants me to increase in fruit-bearing every growing season of my life – so He will work on me to that end!
Psalm 92:12-15 NKJV
• 12 The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree (that means to grow in the harsh conditions, dry and desert places of life); He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. (that means they grow through storms and intense climate changes) RESPONSE: Lord — I want to flourish in EVERY SEASON of my life.
• 13 Those planted in the house of the Lord (a place of obedient worship, praise, ministry, and sacrifice); Shall flourish in the courts of our God. (that means in God’s Presence) RESPONSE: Lord — I commit to worship and serve you all my days.
• 14 They shall still bear fruit in old age (that means life-long, to the end – fruitfulness) They shall be fresh and flourishing (that means life long and to the end freshness and overflowing lives of godliness) RESPONSE: Lord – I want you to do whatever it takes to make and keep me fruitful!
• 15 To declare that the Lord is upright (His way is the Right Way), He is my rock (His Presence is a place of Complete Security and Peace), and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (He is GOOD in whatever He DOES). RESPONSE: Lord – You are GOOD whatever you do in my life!
God wants to mature us –
in fruit-bearing attitudes that glorify Him,
in fruit-bearing actions that magnify Him,
in fruit-bearing treasure investments that are at His disposal, and
in fruit-bearing time investments for His glory.
That is exactly what Psalm 92 says. Matured saints or those “older” in the faith have so many blessings from the Lord.
Matured saints have deep roots, they have weathered the storms, they have experienced painful losses, they know how brief life can be.
Matured saints know that security can only be found in Christ’s Presence, where reside the precious trio of peace, comfort, and joy.
These beautiful and life-sustaining trees are mentioned in Psalm 92.
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