So what did Peter do?
When Peter was on death row, he was such a target for the Devil.
Think of being hunted down, arrested, and imprisoned.
Then think of all those days of waiting, wondering, sleepless nights and endless days.
Think of separation from family and friends, with no contact.
Then comes the day, being led to the place of execution. Wow.
The Shield of Faith is Trusting God’s Word
Peter was headed towards what would be a most horrible, long, slow, painful death by crucifixion (what seems to have been predicted by Christ in John 21 “taken to where not want to go, stretched out…”).
Church history is nearly unanimous about Peter’s crucifixion and triumph.
How do you get ready for a long, slow, agonizing death?
The same way you make it through a long, hard struggle in life.
Both are only by faith: a settled assurance that leads to confident actions. (Q&A-64)
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