The Feasts of God may be the most comprehensive roadmap even made to point at Jesus Christ. For example, every year around the world, every Jew observes Passover. At that Biblical Feast, each person holds a piece of bread in their hand. Here is a description of what they hold:
Matzah is a thin unleavened bread, pierced through with holes, marked with stripes, broken carefully from One piece into Three, the middle piece or 2nd of the unity is hidden or buried throughout the meal and then found or raised from the hiding place.
What does that sound like? The sinless life of Christ (or unleavened bread), "look upon Him whom they pierced" (bread with holes pierced through it), "with whose stripes we are healed" (bread with brown stripes baked into it), God the Son (second of three pieces), crucified and buried (the middle piece of bread hidden in a cloth), and risen (the middle piece pulled out of its hiding place at the end of the Passover meal.
This morning I invite you to reflect upon the fact that, according to the New Testament, a rabbi of unparalleled character used the festivals of Israel to declare Himself the spiritual Deliverer and Messiah of His people.
On PASSOVER, He became our Passover Lamb (paying for our life with His own).
During UNLEAVENED BREAD, He remained in the grave (putting away sin for us).
On FIRSTFRUITS, He rose bodily from the dead to become the evidence of God’s ultimate provision and the promise of a last-day resurrection harvest.
At the fourth festival called PENTECOST by Christians, on the 50th day, the book of Acts says that the resurrected Son of David sent His Spirit to unite 3,000 Jewish believers in the body of Messiah. While these Jewish believers became the first members of an international body called the Church, they were themselves first fruits of a future regathering pictured in the remaining three holidays.
But even His disciples who were closest to Him and loved Him didn’t see the message in the Feasts nor understand He was presenting Himself the fulfillment of each one! So after the Resurrection, when Jesus walked the road to Emmaus, He shared some wonderful truths with the troubled hearts of two confused disciples. Jesus opened their hearts to understand the Old Testament so they could see Him from cover to cover as never before. In a very real way, He wants to do that with us this morning. Jesus is perhaps most vividly seen in the Feasts.
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