Each New Year is always a time of reflection, resolutions, and thoughts about what we want to focus on in the days ahead. This feeling is not new; it almost seems God built this element of pause, reflection, and renewal into the seasons of both the Earth and human life.
Just as the burst of life in Spring, and the flourishing of Summer into the harvest of Autumn, leads into the quietness and slowness of Winter to prepare and reflect upon the burst of Spring. So each New Year we pause to think about how to focus on what really matters. That is what this series is about:
As we open to the New Testament epistle of 1 Timothy, we will find that God’s Word has the guide for us. There are lessons about what really matters to God from the example of Christ’s retreats for prayer and waiting upon His Father, and David’s Psalms from the alone times of reflection in the caves and wilderness; but we can see God’s priorities for us most clearly from Paul’s instructions to the Church through his training of Timothy.
Paul actually lays down a plan for Timothy to train the church he served, as well as individual leaders he nurtured. This plan has specific chosen “exercises” (as the KJV and NKJV call them); or personal “disciplines” (as the NASB calls them); or individual “training” steps (as the ESV and NIV call them).
These truths are all placed in one compelling, instrumental, very strategic chapter in God’s Word: 1 Timothy chapter 4. Today we begin a brief look at what we may call:
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