I always show the NextGeneration students current prophetic headlines. Here’s one from the International Business Times. Headline:
"Potentially hazardous asteroid that’s big enough to trigger a nuclear winter and mass extinction events on Earth following a collision will intersect the planet’s path this weekend. According to the data collected by NASA, the approaching asteroid is larger than the tallest man-made structure in the world.
Here’s the lesson that I teach these students: Jesus said that the generation that sees His plan unfold for the end of days will witness His second coming. That promise has kept the church throughout the centuries in the Word, on its knees, and ready to go at any moment. But are we really close enough to think that we are the final generation? These reports have been thrilling for those who believe in the Bible. Matthew 24:32-35 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not.
So, are we witnessing His plan for the End of Days unfolding?
• We have already seen that the global travel Daniel said had to happen is here, as is the explosion of knowledge.
• Then John said that there had to be global commerce based on buying and selling with a personal number—and that is also here.
• Then Jesus said that Israel had to return to their land—and they are.
But in Matthew 24, Jesus says that a series of specific signs will begin. When those specific signs occur, they signal the onslaught of birth pangs. Have the pains that signal the end of days started? I am not sure. Let’s just list a few of the facts—not since the birth of Israel in 1948; not since the birth of United Europe, the World Council of Churches, the computer, and the United Nations also in that same year of 1948.
How about what has happened in the past few years?
Nearly everyone on Earth has witnessed the second-biggest quake ever recorded. The government has warned that we are witnessing the biggest solar storm measurable, and now we are more aware than ever that the biggest threat to global safety may be hurtling through space towards our world right now. Does that list mean anything?
To sort it out, look back at verse 29 in Matthew 24. Let’s read that passage together this morning, and you listen as I emphasize three parts of Christ’s warning in Matthew 24:29-32.
(WNS-24; 050522AM)
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