The Miracle of the Rebirth of Israel
After Ezekiel’s bones grew into a living breathing nation, God continued to watch over His Word and because Hitler struck with such savagery and incomprehensible carnage that the world was moved to do something. In 1948 the nations of the world united in the form of the UN, and voted to establish a homeland, a nation that was named Israel.
In a short period of time-there was a nation called Israel that could be attacked militarily.
But then 50-plus years passed and Iran never seemed to join Russia in any way to march against Israel–until the last few years. Again the God who watches over His Word was waiting and directing the rulers of this world to do His bidding. Now there is hardly any day of a month that doesn’t have some news item about Iran threatening Israel’s annihilation. Either through proxies like Syria, Hizbolah, the Muslim Brotherhood, or directly with missiles, drones, or the hurried rush to nuclear weapons.
God has already described in detail what will happen in the future. Every time what He has declared will happen—happens, it is literally just what He said. But when examined closely, those involved make their own decisions and have no intention or awareness of following God’s plan!
We live in the most written about period of time, from God’s perspective. Fully 20% of the Bible is consumed with describing the events that God calls the end of days. These end of days events are more described and detailed for us—than even the days when Christ walked the shores of Galilee.
The end times Biblical prophecies that are powerful pictures of God’s Rule over the Nations are many, here are just a few:
From EBI-10 – How To Interpret The Bible Correctly – Ezekiel 37-39 And The Fight For Jerusalem (130901PM) –
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