When David stood at the other end of Nathan’s boney finger, pointed directly in his face, he was guilty and knew it. David had broken every law in the book, God’s Book.
David had broken all of the Ten Commandments when he sinned with Bathsheba. How had he broken them all? In two ways. First, through his actions, he broke them all. And secondly, by God’s standards, he broke them all.
o 1: “No other gods…”—David allowed his lust to be the god to which he bowed in obedience.
o 2: “Not take the Name…”—David took the Holy Name of God in vain as he said he was God’s man and lived like the devil.
o 3: “Not make a graven image…”—David engraved the image of naked Bathsheba as she bathed so deeply on his lustful soul, that he forgot even the God he loved for that moment of sin.
o 4: “Remember the Sabbath…”—David didn’t keep the Sabbath or any other day holy for God once he allowed lust to rule.
o 5: “Honor thy father and mother…”—David dishonored them and all his family as he sank into such wicked and premeditated sin.
o 6: “Not kill…”—David sent the murder request to Joab, so it was not his sword but the arrows of others that David used–but it was his desire that Uriah be killed.
o 7: “Not commit adultery…”—that was the clearest of all David’s lawbreaking.
o 8: “Not steal…”—David stole the wife of his neighbor and trusted friend Uriah as Nathan clearly pointed out in the story of the lamb.
o 9: “Not lie…”—David’s false response was a lie when the messenger came with the ghastly news of Uriah’s death; and even more, every day David lived in sin was a lie that he deceptively covered.
o 10: “Not covet…”—David broke this law as he so coveted his neighbor’s wife that he would steal her and kill her husband to lie in sexual sin with her.
So David was a guilty sinner. He broke them all. But in reality, so have everyone of us. We all by God’s standards have become guilty of breaking them all. Listen to the first New Testament letter, written by the first New Testament local church pastor named James.
James 2:10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
The good news is that Jesus died for all of us who are guilty sinners. As we read the rest of this Psalm and see how David asked for the sacrificial death of another to be counted for him (purge me with hyssop)—we can see why Christ’s death for us sinners is so precious and so powerful.
DSS-29 – David – Facing Consequences (060813PM)
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