1984 is here. The White House is telling us all to not believe their own eyes with real video. How fake can the Biden Administration get? They cannot hide Biden’s dementia, they cannot hide his ridiculous public speeches. He cannot win in November, and the entire Left knows it.
The White House has charged “right-wing critics” with distributing selectively edited videos as part of a “misinformation” campaign aimed at casting doubt on President Joe Biden’s mental capabilities. Can you believe how fake these people are? 1984 style fake.
Recently, opponents of Mr. Biden alleged that he appeared confused during a moment at a weekend fundraiser, necessitating former President Barack Obama to guide him off stage. In response, the White House circulated additional footage showing Mr. Biden pausing to acknowledge the applause from the audience. – As if that mattered. This is the fake line coming from the media. Yet when you look at the video from any angle, you can easily see that this man is gone in his head.
Unbelievable!! Karine Jean-Pierre is blaming DEEP FAKES for all of the videos going around exposing how old, feeble, and senile Joe Biden looks anytime he steps out into public.
This sums up the White House comms strategy in one video: Don't believe your lying eyes! pic.twitter.com/CrzjSx2QH0
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 17, 2024
As the presidential race intensifies, the mental sharpness of both 81-year-old Mr. Biden and his 78-year-old opponent, Donald Trump, has attracted attention. However, ongoing opinion polls suggest that concerns about Mr. Biden’s age and mental fitness are attracting more attention among voters. The media has gone out of their way in the last week to say Trump had mental issues. Each time they try, which is daily now, they make themselves look like propaganda fools, and they lose more viewers for it.
During a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre commented on the situation, saying, “It tells you everything that we need to know about how desperate Republicans are here.” She criticized the circulation of “manipulated videos” as being done in “bad faith.”
Karine Jean-Pierre, the most useless DEI hire in our government… Agree? pic.twitter.com/twpBCXEUyj
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) June 17, 2024
The White House was responding to inquiries about an incident at a gala in Los Angeles, attended by celebrities like George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, Julia Roberts, and late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel. Conservative media outlets circulated a video clip showing Mr. Biden on stage before being assisted off by Mr. Obama. While some reports suggested Mr. Biden seemed to “freeze up,” prompting Mr. Obama’s intervention, longer clips provided by Biden’s allies depict him smiling and engaging with the audience’s applause.
Ms. Jean-Pierre emphasized the strong bond between Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden, describing their relationship as familial and friendly. The bond goes well beyond what the media portrays. Biden is his puppet.
Karine Jean-Pierre says Joe Biden’s mishaps caught on camera aren’t real – they’re just deepfake videos.
When the party in power is telling you to not believe your own eyes and ears, there’s a deep issue going on.
If Joe Biden is really so mentally fit, is the whole world is… pic.twitter.com/BkQUoYvL4Q
— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) June 18, 2024
Further criticism from the White House targeted the portrayal of another incident involving Mr. Biden during a skydiving demonstration in Italy, reported as a moment of wandering that required intervention from other G7 leaders. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni clarified that Mr. Biden was merely engaging politely with each of the parachute jumpers. Or at least that is what the fakers in media and the White House say. We all know the truth and leaders all over the world know this man is unfit for the White House.
This incident, too, had a video clip shared on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), with a community note indicating that the video had been cropped. The cropping though had nothing to do with the content, as the extended clips are also showing the exact same thing.
In the meantime, Biden supporters have been highlighting clips of Mr. Trump to argue his lack of mental lucidity, as the two prepare for their first televised debate of the year. The election is set for November. Biden has zero chance of winning, assuming it is a free and fair election. At this moment, on 6/18/2024, Trump might do a 40 plus state sweep or more. Again, though, this is assuming the Left and Deep State do not have tens of millions of fake ballots ready to be printed as they did in 2020. The combination of hacking votes, and fake ballots gave Biden a tiny win in many states, as the Marxists had to keep adjusting their numbers and extending days to give Biden more and more. But NO ONE is fooled any longer. You cannot drop 80K votes and Trump only gets 15. This is not reality, and we pray they do not go for another fake event in the days after the election again, as America may not take too kindly for destroying our freedom and stealing an election. Not again now that we are all aware of the legal and media games that are still played today.
Al Santana – Reprinted with permission of Whatfinger News