Teaching these young believers why the Early Church LOVED the Book of Revelation is a joy.
They saw everything in one place: God’s Attributes were Illustrated, and Christ’s Power was vividly portrayed. God wanted His Church to know the plan, so He sent it as the conclusion to the Bible. That is what we have today.
Open with me to the only book exclusively devoted to introducing us to what our Master and Savior Jesus is doing RIGHT NOW: the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Have you paused yet today to check in with Jesus Christ? The best way to do that is through your Bible because Jesus Christ is revealed to us as the Word of God. He is the Word, and the Word reveals Him. Each time we open God’s Word, we can hear His Voice.
At Creation, God the Son, the Creator, spoke and made all things, and through His Apostles and Prophets, His Word has been given.
As you open the last book of your Bible, you are entering the climactic conclusion of God’s Word written down for us.
The first word in the Greek New Testament text of Revelation is the word apocalupsis, which can be translated as either “revelation” or “unveiling”. The next two words are Jesus Christ. That means in this last book, we are:
Getting to See The Real Jesus: So we are opened to the “revelation of Jesus Christ”, or the “taking the cover off of Jesus Christ”, or the “disclosure of Jesus Christ”, or the “manifestation of Jesus Christ”, or the “unveiling of Jesus Christ” the Word of God. There is so much to think about as we open to these Last Words of Christ, God’s Word.
Revelation completes God’s revelation of Himself to humanity through Christ.
In Genesis, the Creator, God the Son, walks and talks with Adam and Eve, the first two humans to ever exist, created at God’s hand. But God does not stay walking and talking to them. Because they sinned, He banished them from the Paradise He made for them. Thus began all the sorrows and woes that have plagued humanity for thousands of years.
But in the book of Revelation, the Creator explains that He is back, actively walking on Earth again, among His people.
The Book of Revelation explains that God the Son, Jesus Christ the Creator, is on the ground guiding His Church to accomplish His purposes in the world.
Much like a coach on the floor with his team, Jesus Christ walks around and watches us play the positions He gave us. That is perhaps the most arresting truth in all the Bible for us. We are not alone. The Coach Himself, our Creator, personally wants to help us accomplish what He desires us to do.
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