The Coming of the Promised & Amazing Global Peacemaker (Daniel 2,7-9, 11).
The Bible is a consistent Book from a changeless God, and every part of God’s Word agrees with every other part. All week long, I study the Word and minister the Word to individuals, but this is the thrill of my week standing to share God’s Word with you.
God Makes Understanding World Events Simple. As we open to Daniel 2, note with me how simple God makes understanding the future. God sends us a picture that describes the history of the world of Daniel (620-530 BC) to the end of human history on Earth as we know it.
God reduced human history to the four Empires surrounding the history of His chosen people of promise, the Jews. There are four easy steps to comprehend history, from the time of Daniel’s life in the Old Testament to now and onward to the end. That is simple.
Working through the Scriptures this week, I thought of the fantastic blessing of complex things fitting easily together. I remember many years ago when we had a house full of little children and could hardly afford to have the AC running during hot, muggy summers. We went to SAMS and found one of those huge above-ground pools.
You’ve seen the boxes, I’m sure, the ones with the happy family splashing in a gorgeous, crystal-clear pool of refreshingly cold water? It should have troubled me how such a beautiful huge pool could fit in such a small box. But we bought it, promised it, and everyone gathered around as I opened that box and dumped out the almost 1,200 individual tiny pieces that all had to be perfectly fitted together before we stretched the incredibly thin plastic water-holding liner over it.
Two weeks and about 1,199 parts later, we found out just how hard it was to fit together all those pieces, especially since half the instructions ended up being in French, Chinese, German, and Urdu but not English and it seemed one part was missing.
Thankfully, the Bible is not like that. God Himself easily and vividly assembled the complexities of all of history for us right here in Daniel 2.
The Rule of Four Empires & The Coming of Christ. When Jesus first explained the End of Days to His disciples He used as His central point, the coming of the worst human who ever will live. The antichrist is the greatest fiend, the most powerful, destructive, evil, wicked, and harmful human who will ever live. Jesus mentions him in Matthew 24:15 (as we will see later), then cites Daniel the prophet.
In His longest explanation of the future, Jesus basically had two central truths for us. First: The Antichrist Will Be the Worst Human Ever…
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